This winter I am Beautiful to Crunch!

by [email protected]

Yum, Yum!

Here is a limited edition of what will sublimate your skin: The brand « De Marseille et d’ailleurs » innovates by creating an ultra-fresh, ultra-soft and ultra-indulgent Chocolate/Orange soap.
This soap is handcrafted from an old Provencal recipe and according to the cold saponification process. Thus the oils are not heated at high temperature and keep all their qualities, properties and vitamins. This soap is made exclusively by « de Marseille et d’ailleurs » in a limited edition for Cosma Terra, in small quantities with the guarantee of always being very fresh.
Composed of organic vegetable oils and butters of first pressure with a majority of shea (olive, coconut and cocoa butter), it is particularly suitable for fragile and/or dry skin. Enriched with honey, it is scented with essential oils and organic aromas.
We would eat it!

Price : 7,90 € – 100 grs
Available from the beginning of November 2009… in limited edition… and only on

Marion Mattei

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