Bienvenue à DAWLEETOO: Un voyage dans l’inconnu avec Walter
Les machines et l’intelligence artificielle peuvent-elles influencer notre compréhension du réel et du surréel? Walter, explorateur de la mode et des arts, partage son voyage à travers l’intriguante ville de DAWLEETOO.
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
- A model wearing an original creation from the summer 2024 ready to wear mens collections from the house of Walter Van Beirendonck, Paris, France, 21/06/2023
La recherche et la découverte
Walter a toujours été un passionné de recherche. Plonger dans les mémoires, les découvertes, l’histoire et l’art – qu’ils soient nouveaux ou anciens – est le début de chaque aventure pour lui. Mais dans l’ère accélérée de l’A.I., il découvre quelque chose d’encore plus énigmatique et fascinant : la ville de DAWLEETOO.
DAWLEETOO : Vrai ou faux?
La découverte de DAWLEETOO a commencé par des images intrigantes. Était-ce une cité perdue ou un lieu fictif? Walter n’a pas hésité à admettre que distinguer le vrai du faux n’était pas facile. Les images simulées ont trompé plus d’un, créant un mélange de choc et de fascination.
Explorer l’Inconnu
Ce qui rend l’exploration de Walter si unique, c’est son acceptation des nouvelles technologies et son ouverture à l’inconnu. La collection de DAWLEETOO joue avec des matériaux durs pour la couverture et des pièces douces et vulnérables en dessous. Un jeu de contrastes, de volume contre près-du-corps, de protection contre la transparence.
Les couleurs monochromes et bicolores, comme le Rouge/Blanc et le Noir/Jaune, témoignent d’un sens aigu du style et de l’esthétique.
Un avertissement, une union
Walter n’est pas seulement un explorateur de la mode; il est aussi un penseur. Il a créé un alphabet extraterrestre, pensant aux nouveaux caractères picturaux pouvant être utilisés dans cette réalité mixte que nous occupons maintenant. Il met en garde contre la vitesse à laquelle le monde se transforme, tout en invitant les «outsiders cosmiques» à rêver grand tout en protégeant notre humanité.
Le voyage à DAWLEETOO est une odyssée dans le monde de la mode, des arts et de la technologie. C’est une invitation à explorer, à être curieux et à accepter l’inconnu. Walter nous donne un aperçu d’un monde où le luxe et l’innovation se rencontrent, où l’humanité et la machine coexistent. Bienvenue à DAWLEETOO.