KWK by Kay Kwok, célèbre son 10ème anniversaire sous la direction créative de Kay Kwok, à l’occasion de la Fashion Week de Londres pour la saison Automne/Hiver 2023. La philosophie d’Experimental Expression, qui guide la marque depuis sa création, repose sur l’idée de se projeter dans un futur global qui n’existe pas encore. Les collections de KWK by Kay Kwok sont sans genre, expérimentales, et confrontent les conventions en proposant une esthétique avant-gardiste et futuriste.
La digitalisation est au cœur de la démarche de la marque qui présente chaque saison des avatars de marque incarnant des valeurs, des éthiques et des histoires de notre monde réel, transposées dans un futur lointain. Pour la saison Automne/Hiver 2023, la marque présente LALA, un nouvel avatar, à travers lequel est transposée la signature design de la marque.
L’histoire de LALA se déroule en l’an 2100. La Terre est devenue tellement toxique qu’elle ne ressemble plus à notre foyer. Tout le monde a quitté la planète pour s’installer sur d’autres planètes, mais LALA est restée, ses amis et sa famille partis pour ne jamais revenir. Contrairement aux autres, elle n’a pas été sélectionnée pour le nouveau monde. Elle vit dans les profondeurs, dans le noir et l’humidité, avec un dragon robot qui lui sert de compagnon. Darya, une productrice de musique visionnaire, a créé la bande-son de cette saison en s’inspirant de l’univers de LALA, créant une musique qui reflète ses émotions et ses pensées, tout en étant résolument ancrée dans la technologie de demain.
Le défilé de la saison Automne/Hiver 2023 de KWK by Kay Kwok est une invitation à explorer des univers alternatifs, où les sous-cultures se croisent dans une mise en scène riche en visuels. La marque envoie un message fort de libération des attentes, d’individualité, de diversité et de confiance en soi dans une société nouvelle.
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska
- The Vinyl Factory, London UK. 17th February 2023. A model walks during the KWK by Kay Kwok, Autumn Winter 2023 catwalk show. ©Maja Smiejkowska