« Samedi. 11 heures du matin. À la fenêtre, les contrastes sont inexistants et tout semble enveloppé d’une lueur blanche uniforme. La neige tombe à gros flocons et couvre de ses plis blancs les pistes immaculées. Dehors, les traces de ski ont disparu ; nos repères aussi. L’horizon est imperceptible. Devant le feu de cheminée qui crépite, un peu nostalgique de la veille, on apprécie ce moment de calme pendant la tempête. Mais l’envie irrésistible de sortir nous rattrape. Vêtu de GUNTHER, on décide alors de braver ce jour blanc…
Dehors, la tête dans les nuages, le corps entier plongé dans une brume épaisse, on s’enroule dans notre écharpe tricotée main tandis que nos pieds s’enfoncent dans la neige. Le confort du chalet, la chaleur du feu de bois et les teintes hivernales se sont transposés dans nos vêtements : leurs matières, leurs couleurs et leur allure, chic et décontractée. Motifs uniques, laines recyclées mêlées à des cachemires soyeux, les textures GUNTHER font alors écho à nos sensations mais aussi aux volumes de ce paysage d’hiver, enveloppé de son plus beau manteau blanc. Au loin se dessine progressivement notre destination. On l’entend, on la sent, et bientôt on y sera. »
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
- A Model wearing an outfit from the men s ready to wear collections, autumn winter 2020 2021, original creation, during the Menswear Fashion Week in Paris, from the house of Gunther
GUNTHER est une marque parisienne de vêtements de luxe-contemporain, proposant un vestiaire masculin composé de classiques revisités sous influence urbaine. Née de l’imagination de Naomi Gunther, diplômée de Parsons The New School for Design à New York, GUNTHER est l’alliance d’un savoir-faire ancestral et d’une esthétique moderne, d’un paysage parisien authentique et d’une frénésie créative importée directement de New York. Dans des matières raffinées et de haute qualité se dessinent ainsi des pièces élégantes, aux coupes oversize et au design original. Made in France, GUNTHER met également l’environnement au centre de ses préoccupations. L’utilisation de matières premières biologiques, naturelles ou recyclées et une production en petite quantité, s’inscrivent ainsi dans une démarche qui se veut la plus éco-responsable possible.