Nicolas Jebran show during the Haute Couture Paris Fashion Week
As years go by, and as we grow, we search for what really matters; what makes us who we are, and what reveals the deep fight inside ourselves; the struggle between who we are and what we want to be; the choice of becoming different, and accepting the difference…. The now’s, the tomorrows and come what may….My Golden Odyssey, sets a landmark in my journey, a trip that took days and nights, the moments, the smiles, the people I carry in my heart; the will to succeed, the obstacles, all in an adventure like no other. Unique in the person, in the interpretation, in the feel, andin its reflection of the inner person I am…Today, I reveal what has passed in a will to expel what happened within me; in my quest to create some new space in a new perspective, in an ultimate vision…There in my world of dresses; where each dress tells a story, and each story has a hero, and each hero has an odyssey, and each odyssey takes you to a world of imagination, where there are no limits, no barriers, and nothing really matters but the inner you…
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